The Oz Museum lives about 30 minutes off the highway in a little town called Wamego. It was seriously the cutest town, and so so small. Basically a street. There were so many colorful buildings and each had so much character. I wanted to go inside all the shops, but it was Sunday, so most everything was closed. But not the museum! Here are a few of my favorite things (oops sorry, incorrect movie reference).
This giant Tin Man was actually way creepy.
Suede gloves worn by one of the 'Lullabye League' members!
One of my favorite things about the Wizard of Oz feature film is the Munchkins. Maybe it's because my whole life I was just really small. Smaller than everyone around me. But I still thought I was awesome. I don't know, I just thought they were the coolest.
One of my favorite things was actually outside the museum. The 4 original munchkins came back and left their signature next to their hand and foot prints in front of the museum. My hands and feet were only a little larger than theirs.
Overall, the "Land of Oz" was pretty chill. We even found the Yellow Brick Road, and you bet we skipped down it! The whole time we laughed, and loved every minute of it.
ahaha this town looks amazing. if i ever make it to kansas, i think i'll definitely have to go here!