That's what some people call it, at least. I've heard it said in different ways, but this is my favorite. It means to fill yourself with inspiration in order to create truly amazing work. Especially if you're in school, it's easy to just work work work, and give your work every ounce of creativity and inspiration that's in your body, in order to create the best work you possibly can. But there's comes a point where you've got nothing left. It's real guys, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's important to always go out looking for inspiration. There are endless places online to find inspiration. Just to name a few of my favorites - Designspiration, #weseek (I used to help currate this blog and it's still one of my favorites to visit!), Devour, watching a TED talk (I like to search by playlist), visiting some of your favorite creative blogs, or drum roll...PINTEREST. But don't stop there. GO. Get outside of your home office, work office, or studio, and experience the world around you. Go get inspired. Go fill your well gosh dang it! I can't tell you how many times I've been somewhere random like the bank or one of Casey's basketball games and a wacky random idea comes to my mind, and it's totally brilliant! (tip: This is where always having a Moleskine with you comes in handy!)
Here are a few favorite things I've discovered lately online.
Stanley Case Study from DIGITAL KITCHEN on Vimeo. |
1. Found on Pinterest.
2. From Keith Weaver's VSCO Grid.
3. From French by Design.
4. From a series by Marija Tiurina (check out the whole series - it's amazing!)
5. From Digital Kitchen. I get butterflies in my stomach when creative shops do cool stuff like this!
6. The trailer from an animated movie The Little Prince - I haven't stopped thinking about for weeks!
I seriously carry my little black Moleskine everywhere! and THANKYOU for that Little Prince trailer, that movie looks so magical! I hope it comes out in the US soon!
ReplyDeleteI KNOW I can't wait to see it! I think it's either this year or next year in the US, fingers crossed!
DeleteI love this post. I started a carrying around a little notebook and started jaunting around every good quote i heard or doodling that something that popped in my head. It;s always great going to look at them again.