My Rapping Career

My Rapping Career

Something you have to understand about me is that I love ALL genres of music. I love some more than others, but there's a time and a place for every type of music. In the case of rap music, the time is lon…
If Justin Bieber was your boyfriend.

If Justin Bieber was your boyfriend.

Justin came out with his new single "Boyfriend" today. Here it is. I've never been a huge Bieber fan. I've never had Bieber Fever, and I've NEVER referred to myself as a 'Belieber'…
End of the Year Concert

End of the Year Concert

Me and Mom! If you know me, you know that cello is a HUGE part of my life. It's my passion. That feeling you get after playing a standard classical work for a huge audience. It's a high you can't g…
The Secret to Being Skinny

The Secret to Being Skinny

We look in magazines every day and see all the thin, lean models. Every single one of us, whether you'll admit it or not, is thinking, "I waant that...I neeeed that...Life would be so much easier if i…
Slow Down

Slow Down

I never stopped. I feel like the last few weeks of my life have been extremely fast paced. I feel bad for not talking to my mom so much, and even blowing off some of my best friends because I seemed to be too …