new week, new video

new week, new video

here's a little something i put together. it's a short vid of our drive/explorations up Guardsman's Pass a few weeks back. i loves making little videos of my adventures i want to remember. my hope …
sick day

sick day

Remember when we were young, and we'd spend all of our creative brain power trying to figure out how to convince mom that we were sick enough to stay home from school? Mom my throat hurts!     *gives us c…
i hate nyc

i hate nyc

Last month I had the opportunity to spend 10 days in New York City for Advertising Week. I went last year and I hated it. I went for all the wrong reasons and I had no business spending so much money. I had re…


Nothing completes a Sunday like a drive up the canyon. This last week we went up to Guardsman Pass to catch the colors changing.  It was incredible.  I decided to take my RopeSouls sandals out for a spin. The…
typography tuesday

typography tuesday

I saw this phrase on Pinterest a couple weeks ago, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. To me, this means that in order to be living a full life, I can't just go where life takes me. I ne…
cool air

cool air

As much as I hate to admit it, I've fallen in love with Utah. I don't know why it took so long, but it's my last year here, and I'm glad it happened. I think the fact that I had Casey to show …