Holidays can hard when you're not home with your family. I will tell you what though, there is nothing I love more than celebrating holidays with my friends, my family away from home. Things have been so busy around here lately that I haven't really taken the time to get very festive for Easter. I feel bad, because I really do love all the traditions my family has, and I wanted to share them with Casey.
Much to my surprise, when we woke up this morning, we were greeted with a wonderfully festive home. The Easter Bunny visited our house! The table was set with some beautiful flowers, and there were baskets lined up with our names on them. Everything was Easter Bunny certified, complete with a house-wide Easter Egg Hunt.
Shoutout to this special girl, for making us feel like home this morning. Without Nedge, the Easter Bunny wouldn't have known where to find us!
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