the river

There's nothing like spending time with your best friend. This weekend i got to go to the river with Kait! Okay, we weren't the only ones there, but if you promise not to tell anyone, she's the only reason i went. It was a blaaast! If you've ever been tubing down the salt river in arizona, you know about all the things that go on there.

people drinking
people smoking
people drinking AND smoking
people throwing marshmallows at each other (i still don't get that)
few more totally wasted people
a ton of white trash (both figuratively and literally)

We both walked away with an arizona tan. You got it-tan on the front, white on the back. solid. I miss her. AND I miss the Arizona weather! Its been raining ever since i got back, and it'll be like this for the next three days. Thanks a lot Utah.





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